One thing that has been on my mind this week, especially in the lead up to my presentation, is structure and how most effectively to convey the information I have. While this includes sorting, planning and rearranging, I also want
The Anthropocene in the late 18th century: project thoughts
I have noticed that it is often when you think you have finally settled on a topic and an argument that you come across an article that invites you to rethink everything and broaden the scope and reach of your
Imagery and Importance
What does an image mean? That may seem like a broad question, fair enough, so I’ll narrow it down. What can the contents, or lack thereof, of an image mean? That’s a little more specific but still quite general I’ll admit.
Locating sources
The last week has been a little challenging and I haven’t managed to do some of the work I had been planning to complete re. my research project and presentation. However, what I have realised is that locating material on