According to Simon Potter and Jonathan Saha, with his 1997 essay entitled “Connected Histories: Notes Towards a Reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia”, Sanjay Subrahmanyam largely introduces the term “connected histories” into the academic field (Potter and Saha, ‘Global History’, p.
Transnational and Global History: A Shifting Focus on the Past
What is transnational history? And, how does it differ from global history? Transnational and global histories are on the rise and offer an alternative way of doing history. An increased emphasis on the movement flows which transcend the rigid borders
A First Glance at the Transnational Conversation
I’ll be the first to admit it: when people asked me what modules I was studying this semester, I could easily rattle off the titles, but when asked for clarification, I struggled a fair bit to find the right words.