Yesterday was 1917 Petrograd reloaded: Confession time! We discussed our habits, good and bad. To break them or make them. The bad ones included the usual suspects: procrastination, last minute reading for class, watching TV while reading (is that so bad, as long as it does the trick to stay focused?), time management. The lure of the fridge…or not enough sleep. The lure of the internet. We have all been there.
We discussed some methods including “Pomodoro” (timer app), “Coffitivity” app (“

The positive habits we seek to build included:
-Early morning runs
-Regular exercise
-Building in productive breaks
-Focus time (see app “Freedom” it is worth every penny – shutting off Wifi for x-amount of hours)
-Never sacrifice sleep. (A great read on “Why we sleep” is a revelation.)
-As busy as work and semester can be – never, ever sacrifice social life away from work.
Always bear in mind: A habit takes time. Research says: pick one at a time. Take a minimum of 21 days (see Twitter #21days – if not 4-6 weeks) to fully build it into your work routine.