In #week 2 our final speed-writing exercise included a postcard to Granny. Grappling with the openness, alleged lack of definition, this is what we wrote.
Dear Granny,

greetings from sunny St Andrews. This semester I am doing a module on
-Transnational history is an approach to history that includes forces, actors, ideas, commodities, networks, and movements ranging across boundaries on a variety of different scales.
-Transnational history is the study of the human and material connections in between and amongst places in the past.
-Transnational history is the study of relationships, networks, and movement between people, ideas, goods, and capital over national, regional, and continental boundaries. This can take multiple forms, incorporating diverse methodological and ideological approaches.
-Transnational history is history that affects more than just one nation and where the main subject is not a nation. Transnational history is especially useful for studying networks ideologies and ideas that have effects that are not just in one country. It is also useful for studying how cultures, nations and the people within them are networked together.
Back to the library now. No YouTube or Facebook for the next 4 hours.
Best wishes, MO3351.