Additional Resources

The complete and definitive version of this page will be published late May / early June 2015.

This website gives you a strong overview of the numerous opportunities offered by QGIS. The following websites will be crucial in order to take your projects further.


This excellent website offers many tutorials related to Digital Humanities for historians and has inspired us throughout the making of this website. It has a section on mapping and QGIS and we strongly recommend you fully explore their website to discover the potential offered by Digital Humanities.

General introductions and more advanced tutorials on QGIS.

A great portal dedicated to GIS: find data, tips, and extra software.

If you have finally adopted GIS, why not celebrate GIS Day on 18th November 2015?

An impressive ‘GIS data depot’ with data, tips, and documentation

A large collection of data and maps, sponsored and approved by major organisations





  • QGIS: everything you need to know about the website we are using here is in this website.
  • Inkscape: to make your maps even prettier after exporting them
  • Notepad++ (PC) or TextWrangler (iOS): optimal ways to create your CSV lists or to code in general