Website Reference Email

Dear Workshop Participants,

Our upcoming workshop Mapping and Visualising Transnational (Hi)Stories at the University of St Andrews is now only a week away.

Website Access

The internal workshop page is now live:

It has been password protected. When you open the link above you will be prompted for a username and password which is:

user: mvth

pass: mvth4

The website within is where we can share our abstracts, documents, and share comments on our research and ideas for the workshop.

User accounts on this site have been created for participants. When participants are part of a group, a single account was created for a member of the group which you should feel free to use. The usernames are:

alexander (Alexander van Wickeren)

anna (Anna Ananieva)

erdem (M. Erdem Kabadayi)

georgina (Georgina Rannard)

gero (Gero Tögl and Tobias Englmeier)

martin (Martin Stark and Michael Kronenwett)

scott (Scott Schorr)

stefan (Stefan Nygård)

tom (Tom Cunningham)

hans (Hans Blomme & group)

bernhard (Bernhard Struck)

kelsey (Kelsey Jackson Williams)

If you submitted a proposal to the workshop and you or at least one member of your group are not listed here, let me know and I’ll add an account for you.

The “Login” button on the mid-right of the page will give you access to the backend. The password for all accounts is the username+mvth. For example, username konrad would have the password konradmvth. You can change this in “Profile” when you login.

Posting Your Submissions

Thank you to those of you who have emailed over the past week with your updated abstracts, ideas for custom and maker sessions, maps for discussion, and further material. Those who have already submitted these have had their information posted on the website (scrolll down). You may update/edit the way this has been presented by logging into your account, going to Posts->All Posts and pressing “Edit” under the name of the post with your information. When you are finished updating your posting press the blue “Update” button to the right.

If you have not yet submitted your updated information (see Bernhard’s earlier email below), then please consider posting them directly to our webisite:

- Updated Abstract

- Further Material

- Map or Visualisation

- Ideas for Custom and Maker Sessions

Login with you or your group’s username, and got to Posts->Add New. Then input your abstract directly into the posting. You can use the “Upload Media” button to upload images, docs, PDFs, etc. to your posting.

If you have not yet submitted your updated info please do this as soon as possible. Posting it directly to the website would be most appreciated.


Over the next few days please set aside a few minutes to post a comment on the existing postings with updated abstracts and maps.

In the comment consider including your impressions, suggestions, and what you would like to hear more about when we get a chance to meet and discuss our projects at the coming workshop.

Perhaps most importantly, please post your thoughts on suggestions that have been made for the maker and custom sessions as soon as you get a chance.

Additional Postings

If you have ideas or things you wish to share with workshop participants, please feel free to add additional postings beyond the above.


If you have yet not done so, please pass on your Zotero username if you would like access to a group reading list where we can share suggested readings. This will go live tomorrow or the day after.

More info from Bernhard will follow.



Dr. Konrad M. Lawson

Lecturer in Modern History

School of History

University of St. Andrews

Comments are closed.