Events and engagements

— Upcoming events —

Keep an eye on this section for upcoming events!


— Past events —

Marcel Koschek and Bernhard Struck 

Up and Down the Scales. Visualising the Esperanto Movement around 1900 

27 February 2020, University of Manchester

Pilar Requejo de Lamo

The Esperanto Movement as a Transnational Network for the Promotion of Regional Cultures

26 May 2020, 14th Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH), European University Institute

Bernhard Struck (CEFRES / St Andrews / Charles University Prague)

Séminaire épistémologique 

Transnational History as Spatial History. The case of the Esperanto Movement in the early 20th century.

14 October 2020

Bernhard Struck and Marcel Koschek 

Polnische Esperantisten als lokale Internationalisten? Die Esperantobewegung in Ostmitteleuropa, 1880s-1930 (Polish Esperantists as local internationalists? The Esperanto movement in east central Europe, 1880s-1930s) 

27 October 2020, German Historical Institute, Warsaw 

Marto 2025
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