Marcel Koschek
Marcel Koschek is working on a PhD project “Local Internationalists. Polish and Central European Esperantist Networks between the local, national and global, 1880-1920s”. As the homeland of Esperanto, the role of transnational links in the movement starting in Poland has barely been studied. Leading Esperantists of the first years joint the movement in Poland and were involved in spreading the language. The project aims to showcase how Polish Esperantists interacted on different spheres and noticing their personal backgrounds, professions and interest. Marcel joined us in September 2019 with degrees in History and Political & Social Sciences from the Universities of Würzburg and Bonn. He was awarded a Global St Andrews PhD Scholarship and is jointly supervised by Professor Martin Aust (Bonn) and Dr Bernhard Struck. His working languages include German, English, Spanish, Polish, French, and Esperanto.